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漢娜西格爾(Hanna Segal) 談夢

更新于 2021-11-29 ? | 瀏覽次數(shù) 0

漢娜西格爾(Hanna Segal) 談夢

1.    Freud is often misquoted; he never said the dream isthe royal road to unconscious; but he did say that the interpretation of thedream is the royal road to the unconscious.


2.    Nowadays, when we understand much more about theimportance of the transference and the developing relationship between thepatient and the analyst, we are also concerned with the function of the dream.Why does the patient have this dream and tell it to us in a particular way at aparticular time?


3.    Freud spoke of a dream as night-time hallucination. ButI think, in fact, that not all dreams are night-time hallucinations. Some arelike that; they are felt as very concrete. They sort of stay in the mind. Theiruse (I’m generalizing here) is not to establish a communication – a dream ascommunication between the unconscious phantasy and our conscious mind – but onthe contrary, to get rid of mental content. Bion speaks of patients who treattheir dream with shame, as though they had defecated or urinated in their beds.And in those situations dreams are not used to elaborate symbolically and tocommunicate to oneself or the analyst. They’re very close to hallucination. It’ssomething used to get rid of our own experience, by putting it outside. 


4.    I once had a patient who wrote down his dreams; hehad notebooks and books of them; he had an “agenda” in the analysis to gothrough his dreams. We were always years behind his agenda. He would come andread the dream and tell it to me and in this way it was as though the dream hadnothing to do with him. What was particularly striking was that he was veryoften getting rid of more positive parts of his psychic personality because those were the painful ones. For instance, he was extremely fixated on hismother; when she died, he had a lot of dreams which were extremely moving. He putthem in his little diary. This was not a way of working through his mourning,but a means of getting rid of it. And it comes very close to hallucinationbecause then dreams are used not to elaborate a psychic reality but to get ridof it by putting it in an image, telling it, invading the analyst’s mind withthe image, not really elaborating the problem. They are used for action – to seduce, to impress, to frighten. So we pay much more attention not only to the content, but also to what is the actual function that the dream performs. I won’t add more on this now because I’ve written a great deal on this.


5.    Freud used to give a sort of symbolic explanation;he would translate the symbol. We don’t do that now; one might sometimes justuse one fragment of the dream that the patient has brought. We don’t interpretsymbols in the same immediate automatic way. We don’t have a dictionary ofsymbols. One has to wait to know what this symbol means to this patient. Also onehas to be very watchful whether it really is a symbol or whether it’s felt as amore concrete thing. Whether this is contentious is difficult to say.


6.    Whatever culture we have is an outcome of pastculture. The past is always with us, that’s clear, whether in dreams or in theculture. But I don’t think, as Freud did, that we have got a sort of racialmemory of things in the past. I think it’s more that the current situation andenvironment carry the past to which we react.


7.    Speculation can be dangerous in analysis. About dreamsin history, nobody who has any sense would say that that dream means this orthat for sure. But one might still speculate – knowing something of an artist’shistory and his preoccupations. One can have some freedom of thought here; wecan speculate, but we cannot say that because such and such symbols were there,it means anything for sure. 


8.    Regarding the physical phenomena, as far as I know,there is nothing that really would contradict our view. I think at some point amuch greater synthesis has to be made.


9.    Freud said that children’s dream are wish fulfillmentsand without any conflict. I don’t think now that analysis of children bearsthat out. We know that their dreams are as complicated and show the samemechanisms as adults ones.


摘自Daniel Pick and Lyndal Roper對剛過完80歲生日的漢娜所做的訪談:《精神分析、夢和歷史:與漢娜西格爾的訪談》(Psychoanalysis, dreams, history: an interview with Hanna Segal)


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